…the Need for Feed

Just an update for those who view the strip through the RSS feed. I have attempted to route/transfer the RSS subscriptions through FeedBurner so that I can see how many people are actually subscribed, etc. Hopefully I’ve done everything correctly and you should see no changes when it comes to reading the strip via whatever feedreader you choose, I even set it up so that it aliases through randomactscomics.com and not the convoluted feedburner address. I think. Let me know if anyone has any issues with the feed and I’ll try and figure out what I did wrong.

Now, if you really wanted to be wonderful helper monkeys, leaving me a comment saying you subscribe to the RSS feed will help me verify FeedBurner’s numbers, but this is purely optional. But since I found out that my daily haunting of my Google Analytics stats does _not_ include RSS subscriptions makes me really wonder how many wonderful readers I have!





One response to “…the Need for Feed”

  1. Batdan Avatar

    I don’t subscribe, but I read every day. I swear! It’s just easier for me to go through my list of webcomics every morning. I didn’t realize you could track the numbers of readers through RSS though so I may change my ways from now on.