Month: May 2009

  • The Daiquiri

    Why is the rum always gone?!?! I did have that thought tonight as I realized I was almost out of white rum. But I’m getting a bit ahead of myself… The little town I grew up in (Ponchatoula) may now be an antiques mecca but when I was small it was mostly known for it’s…

  • Hiatus: June 1-14, 2009

    *ting ting ting ting* May I have your attention? Yes, I have a bit of an announcement to make: Cocktail Hour will be going on hiatus for 2 weeks beginning June 1st. Why? Well, the fact that I haven’t really taken a break in 2 years (not even when I had my gall bladder removed)…

  • Grill Mastery

    Ah, yes, weather permitting (and even sometimes not), thousands (millions?) of grills across the country will be fired up to char something with family and friends. My first tip for the grilling-minded is for barbecue chicken and it comes from Mom. She takes leg quarters and marinates them in Italian dressing (straight from the bottle…

  • Coffee Liqueur

    Mmmmm, coffee goodness condensed into a rich liqueur, what could be better? I’m a devotee of the coffee drinks (lattes and the like) but not so much an actual coffee drinker, so Kahlua and others of it’s ilk are right up my alley. One little hiccup: I’m not supposed to have any caffeine. Granted, it’s…

  • Nice Ice!

    As the weather heats up, it’s only natural to be thinking about ways of keeping cool. Maybe that’s why ice seems to be a very popular topic (because there’s no such thing as coincidence!). I loved shaped ice cubes. They’re fun. I started with a set of flexible square cube molds just for something a…

  • Butterscotch Schnapps

    Another (brief) walk down memory lane… At a Victory Weekend in Daytona Beach, November 1994, one of the girls from Miami spent the entire first evening downing a bottle of Buttershots. Now, it doesn’t seem like butter-flavored (well, technically butterschotch) liqueur would taste very good or be a good idea in general but I have…

  • Pairings

    The Rule of Food & Wine Pairings used to be: Red with Beef, White with Chicken or Fish and White Zin with nothing at all (okay, that last part I made up, don’t hate me because I hate the cool-aid of wines and I won’t hate you for ordering Filet Mignon well done, though I…

  • The Amaretto Sour

    When I was 18 I went to visit my Louisiana relations for Thanksgiving and, one night, some of us went out to a bar (named Robert E Lee’s, I kid you not). Now, this was back when Louisiana’s roads were worse than they are now and before they caved (for the umpteenth and final time,…

  • Cinco de Mayo

    Ah, yes, the 5th of May. Widely remembered for an occasion to eat tons of Mexican food (cheap and filling, you can imagine the number of such restaurants and how busy they get when you’re in a college town!), drink Corona and Dos Equis and, of course, margaritas. Margaritas whose defining ingredient is tequila. (It…

  • Random Acts… is now Cocktail Hour!

    Random Acts Comics has gotten a major facelift with this new site here and there’s still more to come! Over the next couple of weeks I’ll be putting the finishing touches on the new site, adding some graphics here and there, sweeping away the construction dust, that sort of thing, as well as debuting a…