Hiatus: June 1-14, 2009

*ting ting ting ting* May I have your attention? Yes, I have a bit of an announcement to make: Cocktail Hour will be going on hiatus for 2 weeks beginning June 1st.

Why? Well, the fact that I haven’t really taken a break in 2 years (not even when I had my gall bladder removed) is a big part of it but more to the point I moved a month ago and just today stopped storing my unmentionables in a suitcase! I need a bit of breathing room to unpack my Studio, help Todd organize the rest of the house and meet a print deadline. Where the Geeks Are will be taking a similar break after the 2nd (a 3-update hiatus in that case because there’s a natural break in the storyline).

The Monday and Friday blog features will not be updated during that time but I will be posting some “best of” material from the past 2 years for the 6 regularly scheduled comic updates. Unless, that is, I get some fan art or guest comics to run in their stead (hint hint big-freaking-hint) 😉 I look forward to returning on the 15th with a clearer conscience and organized background, not to mention being able to move forward with some additional features that I just haven’t had the time to implement, yet. Big things are still on the horizon, folks, I just need a breather to make them all happen.

Thanks for understanding and I hope you’ll enjoy a trip down memory lane when next month begins.


