Sharing the ‘Geek Love

With Valentine’s Day having just passed and many still feeling the love (or lack thereof), it’s no surprise that SoulGeek is finally getting some well-deserved notice among the geek media. Now, we all know I’m a fan of SoulGeek (or did you, somehow, miss all of September’s comics?) and SoulGeek has been very good to me, both personally and professionally. As such, I’m hoping you, my friends and readers, will check out the articles that are linked below, pass them around and give them the attention they, and SoulGeek, deserve.

Fall in Love in February, Episode IV from
direct digg link here

Geeks Gettin’ Lucky? from Geeks of Doom
direct digg link here

G4TV’s Olivia Munn and her Super Geek’s Valentine’s Present (video)
direct digg link here


