I’m in Print!

Oh, y’all, I’ve been waiting for months, until I had a copy in my chilly little fingers (cold hands, warm heart… or something like that), and I’m proud to announce my first ever print credit:

Satyr #8 by Main Enterprises features an exclusive 8-page story (no, it’s not online anywhere and no, it won’t be in the Year 1 book, so this is the only place you’ll see it) from yours truly! “of Autos” (aka Racing Cars) offers some insight into my relationships with automobiles. And even though I serious despise drawing vehicles, it was a fun project to do and I look forward to doing more stories for Satyr.

Satyr #8, Cover by Dan Taylor
Satyr #8, Cover by Dan Taylor

Now, I have a few copies that I plan to make available for sale at MegaCon and any that are left over I’ll offer here, but if you’re not planning on being at MegaCon or you want your copy sooner, Jim and Main Enterprises will be happy to sell you one (or more!). There’s also some other really fun strips in there but keep in mind it does tend toward the more mature comics reader–there really are naked boobs!





2 responses to “I’m in Print!”

  1. Batdan Avatar

    Sounds like my kind of magazine…. What?! I was only talking about the funny jokes and one of my favorite web artists being interviewed. (hehe, boobs)

  2. Scraps Avatar

    Wow, I’m not sure even I’m talkative enough for an 8-page interview. I meant a story, as in I drew it, 8 pages worth, and he published it 🙂